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Machine-Based Wall Plastering – A Faster And Cost-Effective Alternative To The Traditional Labour-Intensive Way


Machine-Based Wall Plastering – A Faster And Cost-Effective Alternative To The Traditional Labour-Intensive Way

Time and cost overruns are a big problem in the Indian real estate industry. Owing to a variety of reasons projects get delayed, significantly affecting the bottom-line of developers. The late hand over of properties further leads to lower buyer satisfaction.

In such a scenario, it is imperative for developers to employ latest technologies to cut costs and save time. Machine-based plastering could play a key role in achieving these objectives. It allows developers to increase the rate of plastering by 3 times regardless of the material applied.

Provided the background work is already done, a spray plaster machine can cover an area of 1750-2000 sq. ft. in an 8-hour shift. Also, plaster spraying allows a plasterer to skim a drywall more than five times faster than using a hand float to apply it.

With plastering time greatly reduced, developers get more time to work with the material on the wall as opposed to earlier, resulting in better quality output. Here’s how machine-based plastering has an edge over traditional plastering.

1.Minimal movement of material as machines allow for operation at numerous locations, while construction materials remain at one place.

2.A maximum of 4 workers are required for set-up and operation.

3.Helps ensure consistent quality across the project.

4.Plaster can be applied evenly to penetrate gaps and spaces, which leads to lesser chances of cracking and seepage.

5.The need to clean up is greatly reduced, as movement of construction material is limited.

Clearly, machine-based plastering scores over the traditional way in terms of both cost and quality. It can go a long way in enhancing the competitiveness of developers and providing the end-users with low-cost, good quality housing.


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